Sunday 12 May 2013

Benefits of namaz according to science

1.knee joints..
Painful joints can be cured by means of salah. When we stand the body becomes weak, however whenwe lift our hands naturally we gain strength. Everybody knows for the body to be in a healthy state the backbone needs to be in good condition. Salah gives all the parts of the body strength and it cures the pains in the joints.

2. to stand...

The prayer begins whilst one stands and this has many benefits; one being that the body gains peace as the Qur'an is being recited. The recitation has a healing effect on the body.It has been suggested by research that the healing is due to the effect of the arabic sounds.

"And we have sent the Quran that whih is a healing and a mercy to the believers; and it adds loss only to the unjust." (17:82)

Muslim researchers have shown that when Muslims recite the Quran; old thoughts, feelings, fears and gulit are released or healed. Virtually all of the sounds of the arabic language are uttered while reciting Quran, creating a a balance in all affected areas of the body.

The takbir (Allahu akbar) and Qiyam (standing) together are found to improve posture, balance and self-awareness. This position also normalises blood pressure and breathing,thus providing many benefits to asthma and heart patients due to peace physically and mentally.

3.heart illnesses...

Many cardiologists, after research, have come up with the conclusion theillnesses of the heart are reduced when salah is offered.

-In qiyam the lower body gets blood,...

-in ruku the middle and in...

-sujud blood reaches the upper body with less pressure on the heart as whilst a person is stood up the heart has to try and pump the blood to the brain, however, when in prostration the blood reaches the brain without much effort. This means that salah helps with blood circulation.
The principal of a medical college, Doctor Muhammed Nawaz said, a surgeon came to me with his wife saying that he has pain in the back and knees , has taken many medication, but no cure.
Doctor Nawaz said, "Do you pray?" He said, "yes, 5 times a day." Doctor Nawaz said, "You do not perform ruku and sujud properley." He showed him the sunnah method. Some time after observing the sunnah correctly he was healed.

We all know that back problems are painful and restrict the daily activity of an individual. Ruku saves a person from getting a kidney stone and if one has stones, they will come out shortly. In ruku the circulation of blood works well, benefitting the eyes and mind.
Ruku stretches the muscles of the lower back, thighs, legs and calves and allows blood to be pumped in the upper torso. It tones the musles of the stomach, abdomen and kidneys. Forming a right angle allows the stomach muscles to develop.

This position also promotes a greater flow of blood into the upper regions of body particularly to the head, eyes, ears, nose brain and lungs to be released. Over time this improves brain function and ones personality and is an excellent stance to maintain the proper position of the foetus in pregnant women.
When coming up from ruku we place the hands on the thighs which strengthens the spinal cord and creates flexiblity.

5. prostration...

Entering into prostraion in a relaxed pace is beneficial for internal organs. Prostration in the sunnah way benefits the stomach making it muscular. The sunnah way will relieve any problems with liver, kidney, back or stomach. When in the position of prostration the blood reaches the head effortlessly. In no other postion in salah does the blood reach the head sooner than in prostration. The blood goes to the eyes, brain and other parts of the head and nerves with which the intellect and the eyes become sharp.

Shaykh Naqshbandi states; "A person who offers salah will have an illuminous face due to the fact that in prostration blood flows to the face." This is why in the tradition it states "those who pray salah, their face will enlighten as the pious. " Shakh Naqshbandi also states that once he met a doctor who said, "If women found out the fact that to go into prostration creates beauty in the face, they would not lift their headsfrom prostration."

Lengthy prostrations with humblesness and sincerity are beneficial to cure illnesses of the brain as the blood reaches the brain without effort. As the blood reaches the upper part of the body, such as the eyes, face and teeth-making the crinkles disappear from the cheeks. A person does not look old and gets such ability making the muscles strong. If the prostration is done according to the sunnah then one will not suffer from problems with block nose, hearing and headaches.

6.sitting position...

The position of Qaida (or juloos) is similar to the thunderbolt position in yoga, which firms the toes, knees, thighs and legs. It is said to be good for those prone to excessive sleep and those who like to keep long hours. Furthermore, this position assists in speedy digestion, aids the detoxification of the liver and stimulates peristaltic action in the small intestine.


To complete the salah one will turn the head to the right and then left. The throat is activated by turning the head towards the right and then the left shoulder in the closing of the prayer. This nerve path is linked to the throat, neck, arms, hands, bronchials (lung area) and hearing-affecting individual creativity and communication.

Another benefit is the chest strengthens and the collar bone is tightened. One should remember this can only benefit when we offer the salah correctly with sincereity. It is believed that a person who activates all nerve pathways at least once a day can remain well-balanced emotionally, physically and spiritually. Since this is the goal of all sincere Muslims we should all strive to attain the perfection of stance, recitation and breathing recommended in ahadith while performing our prayers.


When the hands are held open for supplication, they activate the heart, said to be the centre of the feelings of love, harmony and peace. It also governs the health of the heart, lungs, thymus, immune system and circulatory system.


Let us take a look at the benefit of the first prayer of the day. If a person wakes up without washing the face and has his breakfast then the bacteria gathered in the mouth throughout the night will go down the stomach and produce diseases, stomach bloating, inflammation and ulcers.

A person works at home or goes to work due to which pressure and strees starts building up, but the zuhr prayer calms us down, relieving stress.


At the time of Asr the speed of the circumbulation of the earth, reduces, having an affect on the 5 senses. At this time a person begins to consider the affairs of the evening and hurries to complete his work of the day, meaning at this time the stress is building up which has an affect on the body. Offering the Asr prayer gives more energy to the individual.


A person thanks his creator through actions for the sustenance, He, the exalter, provides. The work carried out through the day has supported him with his family and children. When one has an urge to thank Allah, one will sit with his partner with them with peace and affection. Children by nature copy the actions of the parents promptly. Basically if the prayer is offered at its prescribed time then the children will be inclined to be obedient towards their parents as it is the prayer that makes a person humble. The prayer will become a habit for the child to listen to the parents. However, if a child has been given nothingexcept things that morally corrupt his mindthen he will naturally disobey his parents.

A person by nature is desiring at all times. When one comes home from work, they will eat to their full to quench their desire. Now when that person lies down on a full stomach there is a fear of many illnesses and the mind will not be at peace. But to offer Isha prayer theperson will find peace and the tiredness will disappear, they will sleep better because during prayer they have excercised and hence, the food will be better digested.

14.taraweeh prayers...

During the moth of ramadhan additional prayers are performed after salatul Isha called Taraweeh prayers;20 units with a few minutes break after every 4 units for extolling the majesty of Allah.

After breaking the fast the blood glucose level continues to rise from the food ingested.Just before the Iftar meal, the blood glucose and insulin levels are at their lowest level. Afer an hour or so after the Iftar meal, the blood glucose begins to rise and also plasma insulin. Liver and the muscles take up the circulating glucose. The blood sugar reaches high levels in an hour or two and the benefits of taraweeh prayer comes into effect. The circulating glucose is metabolised into carbon dioxide and water during the taraweeh prayers. Hence the taraweeh prayers help in expending the extra calories and improve flexibilty, coordination, reduce stress-related autonomic responses in healthy persons and relieve anxiety and depression

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